A brief history The main aim in founding this Congregation was “Service” – to the poor, the illiterate, the orphans and the under developed sections of Society, especially girls and women.

  • Apostolic: Faith formation and pastoral works
  • Education: Pre-Primary, Primary and High Schools Vocational Training Centres
  • Homes: Hostels, boardings, orphanages, aged homes [with special care for women from babies to aged] Women empowerment:,self-help groups
  • Youth: out-reach programmes.
  • Health care: provide medical aid to far flung villages

Background Information Of the Society


The Society of the Sisters of St. Alex now known as Handmaids of Christ was founded in 1935 in the Archdiocese of Goa, India by a Goan Diocesan priest Msgr. Herculano Gonsalves. We render our services in Goa, Diu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, North East. [Assam] and recently from August 2013 in the Caribbean Island at St. Kitts. The Sisters share in Christ’s mission by undertaking Apostolic, Educational, Charitable, Social and Pastoral works, such as care of the orphans, destitute and children from the broken homes, running shelter homes for girls and women, faith formation, conducting schools and vocational training centres in rural areas, looking after the aged and disabled, nursing and care of the sick, working in the missions, imparting value education to youth, visiting families and catering particularly to the poor and marginalized especially women in distress. At present we have 21 houses in Goa and 12 houses in the neighboring States of Maharashtra and Karnataka, North East and West Indies.

Registered Owner


President, Society of Sisters of St. Alex, Goa The “Society of Sisters of St. Alex, Goa” is registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, with the Registrar of Societies, at No. 47/GOA/98. It is also registered with the Income Tax Office U/S 80 G of the I. T. and the Ministry for Home Affairs of the Government of India F.C.R.A. No. 27183001.

Our Inception in RAIA


St. Thereza’s Convent High School, Ganapoga, Raia, Salcete , Goa, begins the story of its humble beginning, way back in 1949. The Sisters started their teaching apostolate in a small house offered temporarily for use by a generous family in the picturesque village of Raia, a few kilometers away from the main town, Margao.

House where the Sisters resided  [Now modified by the owner]

The Sisters then, worked with great determination imparting education, teaching needle work, visiting people around and bringing about re-union in broken families. Seeing their dedication and commitment, the people of the village were greatly impressed. Numerous people came forward and through their magnanimity of heart we have today the new structure which was completed on 23rd May 1968.

The existing School building

Subsequently a need crept in towards additions to the existing structure, to provide a conducive atmosphere to teaching and learning. Through the graciousness and generosity of some benefactors of good will we now have a decent computer lab cum library and an AV room.

Computer lab

About Our School


St. Thereza’s Convent High School, Ganapoga, Raia is a rural, co-ed School and is managed by the Society of the Sisters of St. Alex [now known as Handmaids of Christ] and has classes from Kindergarten to Class X.

The current enrolment in our School is 280 students and in future we intend to cater to more as we are in the process of getting many new admissions. The School has made tremendous progress in the field of education and strives to the all round development from the day of its existence.

Keeping in mind the vision of Our Beloved Founder Msgr. Herculano Gonsalves, We mainly cater to the most needy and poor of the society. We are happy to say that through our mission in this area we can be a ray of hope to many of those children who can ill afford to pay for their daily maintenance. We do so by running a residential boarding for girls and support them with the salaries of the Sister teachers teaching in this School.

Those day scholars who cannot pay for their minimal fees are also supported by the School.



We have a school Cabinet / students council where we have students selected to take care of different School activities. They do it with a lot of love and enthusiasm.

Academic Results


S.S.C Results for the last 5 years

  • 2009 —- 76%
  • 2010 —– 93%
  • 2011 —– 90%
  • 2012 —- 64%
  • 2013 —- 89%

In the Sports Field


Our school has a colourful , active and alive band and for the last five years we secured the first place for the march past at the Taluka level and participated at the state level. This academic year we secured the 2nd place at the Taluka level.

This year our students under 14 boys, under 17 boys and under 17 girls secured the first place at the Taluka and district level for inter school throwball tournament and all three teams secured 2nd place at the state level.

Our students also participated in handball and volleyball and also in Sqay Martial Art where our students secured the 2nd and 3rd place at the state level. Miss Vanessa Fernandes secured the first place in 100mts hurdles and won the gold medal and Miss Murial secured the 2nd place in 200mts run at the District level. Master Roland secured the 1st place at Taluka level and 2nd place at the District level in Javelin throw.

Our students are introduced to Chess for the past two years and participated in interschool competitions.

Hats off to the strenuous efforts of our dedicated P.E. Teacher Ms Savia Albuquerque.

Our students also took part in different competitions like Quiz, Elocution, painting, Essay writing, Computer Science, dance competition, science projects, science Quiz etc.

Three of our students took part in the science quiz where they had to interact with the scientists and were proud to secure the first place among 80 schools.

One student took part in the elocution competition and secured the 3rd place.

Our students of VIII and IX std participated in Budding Scientist Competition.

Two of our students took part in ‘;An Exhibit Hunt Quiz organise by Goa Science Centre.

We also have different competitions organized in the school like collage, pencil shading, painting, Inter house Quiz, spelling Bee competition, poster making with the theme of the year “Think, Save, Eat wisely”